What does a paediatric sleep consultant do?

A paediatric sleep consultant is a professional who provides education, guidance, and support services for parents to help improve their child’s sleep. They may assist families by offering tailored sleep plans and advice to help resolve a child’s sleep issues, ensuring better overall quality of life for the entire family.

What is sleep training all about?

More often than not, parents seek formal sleep training because the current ‘sleep association’ implemented for their child to fall asleep (e.g. patting, rocking, or nursing to sleep) is not working for them anymore. On top of that, it is also about making changes and improvements around a child’s sleep throughout the day.

Book a free 20-minute discovery call with me to learn more!

What is the best method of sleep training?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to sleep training. As your sleep consultant, I will recommend a method that is most compatible with your child’s temperament, and your family’s current sleep situation, goals, and lifestyle. What works for another child and family may not work for yours! 

Does sleep training mean I can’t feed my baby at night anymore?

From a pure nutritional point of view, it is believed that night feeds are no longer essential for a healthy 6-month old baby. However, I feel that this is a personal choice and you can definitely continue to feed your baby at night – as long as it works for you! Both sleep training and night feeding CAN coexist. There is no need to wean off all night feeds just because you want to sleep train your baby.

Does sleep training mean leaving my baby to sleep alone in the room? 

Short answer is: no, if you do not wish to.

There are two main approaches to sleep training: ‘Room-based’ methods and ‘Extinction’ methods. With Room-based methods, you are required to physically be with your child, supporting them to sleep throughout the entire process. I understand that for some parents, bedtime may be the only time of day they get to be with their child! As your sleep consultant, I can help you work towards a level of involvement/support you are comfortable with.

Does sleep training help to stop my baby from waking up at night?

It is a misconception that sleep training aims to eliminate ALL night wakes. It is highly unrealistic and should NOT be the expected outcome from sleep training.

All humans sleep in stages and cycles. Between these cycles, your child may wake briefly and this is completely normal. Even adults like us wake between cycles, but it feels more seamless because we fall back to sleep right away and may not even realise it! Sleep training can help your child learn to fall back to sleep when they do wake up at night. By learning how to support your child’s sleep in the day, you can also help reduce some unwanted night wakings.    

I share a room with my baby. Will sleep training work for us?

Absolutely yes! According to the safe sleep guidelines, babies under 6 months old are encouraged to sleep in the same room as their parents/caregivers. Although you may experience some slight inconveniences, sleep training can be successful even when you are sleeping in the same room as your child. (Psst, I personally did this with both my children.)

My child goes to infant care. Will sleep training work for us?

Yes! Most of my clients send their child to infant care and they have seen huge benefits from sleep training. Children are highly adaptable and can differentiate between different environments and caregivers. It would be great if your infant care can follow the routines you’ve set at home - however, if that is not possible, I always advise my clients to “control what you can, let go of what you cannot”. Bedtimes and weekends are the areas you still have control over. If you are worried about naps, remember that a good night’s sleep is much more restorative than day naps.

What is the process like working with you?

It’s pretty simple!

Step 1) Book a free 20-minute discovery call.

Step 2) Receive an invoice for the package of choice.

Step 3) Once the payment is processed, you will receive a questionnaire and for Deluxe and Essential packages, there will be an additional diary template to fill out for 3-4 days.

Step 4) Schedule a 1-hour private consultation.   

Step 5) Receive your personalised sleep plan! *Deluxe and Essential packages

Step 6) Have our 1-to-1 consultation.

Step 7A) Start sleep training with unlimited Whatsapp support for 1-3 weeks! *Deluxe and Essential packages

Step 7B) Receive your personalised sleep strategies. Use your 2x 15mins call support within 2 weeks of purchase and receive 2 follow-up emails (1 after each call). *Recovery package

Step 7C) Receive a follow-up email. *Rescue package

What if my child falls sick in the middle of sleep training?

Tending to a child who is unwell is super tough and their recovery will understandably be your priority! You may pause the support period and resume when you feel your child is ready.

When can I start sleep training my child?

From my experience, most babies between 4 and 6 months respond extremely well to sleep training. I help families with children aged between 4 months and 5 years old. If your child is older than 5 years old, feel free to book a call with me and we’ll explore viable options together!

My child is 5 years old! Is it too late to sleep train?

It is never too late to make positive changes to your child’s sleep! You are likely to face more challenges when they are older (12 months old and above), but with perseverance and consistency, it is definitely possible to make substantial improvements to your child’s sleep regardless of their age!

I have twins! Do I pay double the price? 

No, I don’t charge double for twins or multiples of the same age. You only have to pay the price of one package.

I have 2 children (8 months old and 2 years old). Do I need to buy 2 packages? 

Yes, you will have to purchase two packages. Due to their age gap, their sleep plans are likely to be very different. There will be a 50% discount on the second or cheaper package though!